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Kuva (C) Emmi Lavikka

Nord OB CH FI & SE & NO OB CH FI & NO AG CH FI AG CH (jumping) FI R-OB CH FI WTCH PM-17 PM-18 M-18 M-19 JK3 PAIM2 PPRI RTK3 BH

  • Border collie female

  • Born 6.3.2014

  • Smooth black tricolour

  • Parentst: ​NORD OB CH FI&SE&NO&DK OB CH FI R-OB CH FI WTCH M-07 JK3 BH Tending Intense "Puuma" & SE SPCH SE SÖCH Gk Vallh Pr Gränsvallarens Zot "Zot"

  • Breeder: Pekka Korri & Riitta Jantunen-Korri, kennel Tending

  • Sports: obedience, agility, tracking, herding, rally-obedience

  • Pedigree


Kuva (C) Emmi Lavikka

Health and structure

  • Hips: A/A

  • Elbows 0/0

  • Shoulders healthy in the age of 6 months and 13 months

  • Spine LTV0 VA0 SPo  in the age of 4,5 and 8,5 years

  • Knees 0/0

  • Eyes healthy as a puppy and adult, gonioscopy clear

  • MyDogDna tested, clear of all tested diseases

  • Height 49cm

  • Weight 16kg


Fisu, my goldfish, my treasure, the best and the greatest... There are no words to describe how highly I value this dog! Fisu was a real dream-come-true puppy and has been everything I ever wanted. I waited for her for over 4 years, and good things come to those who wait. She is very close to a perfect border collie in my opinion. Fisu is a stable, balanced dog who is social to people and other dogs, easygoing and lovely in everyday life, and as a sports dog she is extremely keen, intense and fast in everything she does. Fisu is a strong dog who has no problems to work under pressure, but at the same time she wants to do right and she has a big will to please. Fisu does not care about distractions when she is working, she concentrates very well even in difficult environments. Fisu is a clever dog who learns everything very fast. She is easy to reward, she has huge drive in playing and she is always craving for food. Fisu is a fast and powerful dog, but she does not get overexcited, she has great ability to control herself. Fisu is a bit reactive, she might bark or growl if she gets surprised,  but since she is a stable dog who has no problems in new environments, she shows her reactivity pretty seldom. Fisu is a bit sensitive to thunder, but she can still work even during thunderstorm. 


  • Obedience: Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Nordic champion, member of obedience Team Finland in 2017, 2018, 2021. Nordic Winner in obedience in 2017 and 2018, silver medal in Finnish championships in 2018, bronze medal in Finnish championships in 2019

  • Agility: Finnish and Norwegian agility champion, Finnish jumping champion. Member of agility Team Finland in 2021

  • Tracking: Finnish working trial champion, gold medal in Finnish Championships in 2018 ja 2019

  • Approved MH-test, 1 in gun shots

  • Dog show: G (good) in intermediate class

Kuva (c) Sporttirakki

Fisu has been very successful in her main sport, obedience. When I bought Fisu, I was planning to do mainly agility with her, but even as a puppy Fisu showed so great potential in obedience, that I just could not help myself and I had to see, what kind of a career we could have in obedience rings. Fisu was selected to Finnish obedience training ring (Valmennusrengas) in the age of 2 years, she became obedience champion in the age of 2,5 years and in her first obedience World Championships she participated in the age of 3 years. In her career, Fisu has competed 37 times in FCI class 3, gaining 29 1. prizes. In obedience Fisu has been a real pleasure to train and compete with. She is always happy and speedy in the ring, she does not care if she does not get reward during competitions, and she always tries her best. Fisu is totally silent, she does not squeak or bark while working, and she does not have typical stiffness and "eye" like many border collies. 



Besides obedience, Fisu has competed in a high level in agility. Fisu would have been a really talented agility dog as well, but since obedience has been so time-consuming sport, I have not had enough time to really concentrate in agility with Fisu. Fisu is a fast and elastic dog, she has extraordinary ability to collect and turn from full speed and then accelerate back to full speed with very tiny handling cues. She is keen and at the same time very calm. She never does anything reckless or dangerous in agility. She has a good jumping technique and nice body structure for agility. Fisu started to compete in agility in the age of 19 months, and half-a-year later she was already in FCI class 3 and ready to participate to her first Finnish Championships. Fisu has competed multiple times in Finnish Championships, tryouts for EO and AWC and gained some nice ranking places in big competitions. In 2021 Fisu was selected to Agility Team Finland and she competed in Agility Nordic Championships in Norway. 


In addition to obedience and agility, Fisu has competed in a high level in tracking (SAR kind of sport that is a combination of a 500-1500m track in a forest, article search and FCI-IGP obedience). Fisu is a natural talent in tracking. As a youngster, Fisu was a bit hasty in her tracking work, but when I realized how talented she was, I started to do more challenging exercises for her, and she slowed down her pace and began to be more careful. Fisu started to compete in tracking in the age of 2,5 years, and two years later she won Finnish National Championships with flying colors. Fisu gained Working Trial Champion title in tracking and competed in National Championships 3 times, winning twice and once being SM-4.


Fisu got interested in sheep at the age of 3,5 months. She has been an easy herding dog for a novice handler. Fisu is obedient and wants to listen commands. She learned vocal commands and whistle commands easily, and I was able to compete with her in herding even when I don't have own sheep and Fisu has very little experience of farm work. Fisu has passed Finnish herding dog associations herding test and she is allowed to compete in highest class in herding. Fisu does not use lots of eye in herding and she would probably not become a top class trial dog in herding, her handler focus is too big and she has not been trained so goal-directed as a young dog that would be needed to be successful on trialing. 

Kuva (C) Tiia Hämäläinen

Fisu has been always very healthy. She does not have any food sensitivities, no allergies, she has good teeth and strong nails. Autumn 2021 was first time when Fisu injured herself: she got a ligament injury in the medial collateral ligament of a toe in right front paw. Ligament was repaired by surgery, but due to the original trauma, osteoarthritis started develop to the injured joint and Fisu was retired from obedience and agility in the age of 8,5 years. Since Fisu is an active dog who loves to work, she started a new hobby, rally-obedience, as her "pensioner-sport". Fisu gained Finnish Rally-Obedience champion title in the age of 9 years and 11 months. 


Fisu has one litter of puppies. The litter was bred in co-operation with Fisu's breeders, and the puppies are registered to kennel name Tending. Fisu's puppy project was very successful, mating and labor were natural and Fisu was a good mother to her 5 puppies. You can find more info about Fisu's litter here.

Films about Fisu

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