Tending L-litter
born 22.2.2019, 3 males, 2 females
Fisu's mating and labour were natural and fluent. Fisu's puppies were born at my home and they lived with me their first 3 weeks. For the rest of their time with breeder, they moved to Fisu's breeders house. Fisu was a great mother to her 5 little fish-babies.
Parents of the litter
Kuva (c) Alex Fyhr
GK vallh pr
fyhr's mio "mio"
born 19.11.2015
rough black tricolour
parents: GK Vallh PR Somollis Lass "Lass" & Shep "Shep"
Hisp: A/A, elbows: 0/0, shoulders healthy, eyes clear as adult, normal testicles
DNA-tests: CEA, IGS, TNS and SN clear
sports/work: herding. Mio competes in the highest class (IK-2) and works as a farm dog in Sweden
owner: Alex Fyhr, Sweden
born 6.3.2014
smooth black tricolour
parents: NORD OB CH FI&SE&NO&DK OB CH FI WTCH FI R-OB CH M-07 JK3 RTK4 BH Tending Intense "Puuma" & SE SPCH SE SÖCH Gk Vallh Pr Gränsvallarens Zot "Zot"
Hips: A/A, elbows: 0/0, shoulders healthy, spine: LTV0 VA0 SP0, knees: 0/0, eyes clear 2014&2018
MyDogDNA: clear of all tested diseases
sports: obedience, agility, tracking, herding, rally-obedience
Fi AG CH OB3 BH TENDING Lioness "Lina"
Kuva (c) Anna Silvan
Kuva (c) Anna Silvan
Basic info
Border collie female
Rough black tricolour
Hips: A/A, elbows: 0/0, knees: 0/0
Shoulders: healthy
Spine: LTV0 VA0
DNA-test: MyDogDNA clear of all tested diseases
Lina in breeding database
Owner: Anna Silvan, Paippinen
Sports and achievements
Agility: competes in A3, FI AG CH
Obedience: 3x 1. price in FCI class 2
Working trials (tracking): approved BH test
Show: very good in open class
FI AG CH FI AG CH (Jumping) HK2 BH Tending Lupine "Hukka"
Kuva (c) Emmi Lavikka
Basic info
Border collie male
smooth red tricolour
Hips: A/A, Elbows: 0/0, Knees: 0/0
Shoulders: OC in left shoulder, right shoulder healthy
Spine: LTV0 VA0 SP2
Eyes: PPM iris-cornea as a puppy
Normal testicles
Hukka in breeding database
Owner: Emmi Lavikka, Kangasala
Sports and achievements
Agility: competes in A3, FI AG CH, FI AG CH (jumping)
Working trials (SAR): HK2, allowed to compete in the highest class in search
Obedience: 2x 1. price in FCI class 2
Approved MH-test in the age of 18 months, 1 in gun shots
Show: good in working class
FI WTCH FI OB CH JK3 BH Tending Lionfish "Visa"
Basic info
Border collie male
Rough black tricolour
Hips: A/A, Elbows: 0/0, Knees: 0/0
Shoulders: healthy
Spine: LTV0 VA0 SP1
Normal testicles
DNA-test: MyDogDNA clear of all tested diseases
Visa in breeding database
Owner: Anne Miettinen, Kuopio
Sports and achievements:
Working trials (tracking): competes in highest class, FI WTCH
Obedience: competes in FCI class 3, FI OB CH
Show: excellent in working class
FI ETVA FI VPVA JK1 BH Tending Lynx "Monni"
Kuva (c) Riitta Jantunen-Korri
Basic info
Border collie male
Smooth black tricolour
Hips: A/A, Elbows: 0/0, Knees: 0/0
Shoulders: healthy
Spine: LTV0 VA0
Eyes: clear as adult
Normal testicles
DNA-test: MyDogDNA clear of everything
Monni in breeding database
Owner: Anna-Leena Väätänen, Otalampi
Sports and achievements:
Obedience: 2x 1. price in FCI class 3
Water rescue: competes in highest class
Working trials (tracking): JK1, competes in class 2
Show: very good in open class
One litter in kennel Tending
FI OB CH Tending Ladybird "Trendi"
Kuva (c) Helen Habte
Basic info
Border collie female
smooth black tricolour
Hips: B/B, Elbows: 0/0, Knees: 0/0
Shoulders: healthy
Spine: LTV0 VA0 SP0
DNA-test: MyDogDNA clear of all tested diseases
Trendi in breeding database
Owner: Satu Paavilainen, Mikkeli
Sports and achievements
Obedience: competes in FCI class 3, FI OB CH, competed in the final of National Championship 2022
Working trials (tracking): training
Show: good in open class